Castaic Rock Hard Trout Swimbait

Da 28.99€ Da 18.99€


Castaic Rock Hard Swimbait , una imitazione di trota standard di riferimento per le swimbait , proprio dal marchio che ha inventato letteralmente la swimbait nel 1995 : Castaic.Sviluppata da Mike Long, leggendario big bass hunter, capace di catturare da solo 24 dei 100 bass documentati piu' grandi di sempre. Praticamente impossibile distinguerla da una trota reale in movimento.

  • RealSwim™ Technology for a true swimming action
  • (tecnologia del nuoto Realswim esclusiva Castaic)
  • Triple-jointed, durable hardbodies
  • (corpo resistente snodato in 3 sezioni)
  • Authentic body shapes
  • (corpo che ricalca quello di un pesce vero al massimo della potenzialita')
  • Ultra realistic hand-painted detail
  • (dettagli ultra realistici realizzati a mano)
  • Easy to fish at multiple speeds; not as sensitive as soft swim baits
  • (facile da utilizzare a molteplici velocita' di recupero,non incline a perdere la corretta swimming action rispetto alle comuni swimbait in gomma.

The Castaic Rock Hard Swimbaits are crafted to precisely mimic the body shapes, textures and colors of the most prolific forage of large bass. Their triple-jointed construction and RealSwim technology provide them with some of the most authentic swimming motions possible - at fast or slow retrieves - and each bait also features Castaic's patented Magnetic Hook Holder and Tri-Claw Hook System. The Hook Holder ensures the Tri-Claw Hook stays tight to the lure's belly at all times, providing a streamlined presentation and a rock-solid hookset. Hand-painted with the most life-like fish pattern possible, choose the model you think will work best in your local waters. The Castaic Rock Hard Swimbaits set the standard in swimbait design.

LENGHT 4'' (10 CM) WEIGHT  1/2 oz  (14 gr)

LENGHT 6'' (15 CM) WEIGHT   2    oz (56 gr)

LENGHT 8'' (20 CM )WEIGHT   4    oz (112 gr)

LENGH 10" (30  CM) WEIGHT  8   oz  (224  gr)

Colore Selezionato

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Imperial Metric
Castaic Rock Hard Trout Swimbait
Rainbow Trout
20.32 cmFast Sinking
28.99€ 27.99€
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20.32 cm Fast Sinking

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