Culprit Incredi-Slim. New creature concept by Culprit for flipping and ptiching. Creatura che rappresenta una autentica novità con un profilo sottilissimo che la colloca tra le esche da pitching ''finesse'' ogni volta che i bass predano su esche di piccola taglia. Dotata di flaps che rallentano la caduta,zampe vibranti e doppia coda con effetto grub, questa esca stupisce per versatilità e potere catturante. Aromatizzata con scent BLASTtm. 3,5" 8 pcs pack. Made in Usa
Thinner than the original, the Culprit Incredi-Slim delivers the same great action as the Culprit Incredi-Craw, but in a trimmed-down profile that is perfect for more finesse driven tactics. Designed with a number of skinny appendages, the Culprit Incredi-Slim flares and pulses when it is at rest, giving it an ultra-natural and excessively appetizing presentation. Whether it is fished on a Carolina-rig, shakey head, or bladed swim-jig, the Culprit Incredi-Slim delivers a mouthwatering presentation that light-feeding bass won't be able to resist.
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