DUO Realis Nomase Gill. Dalla serie Duo Realis presentiamo questa softbait ibrida, con struttura interna in piombo, armatura passante in metallo e rivestimento esterno in polimero ad alta visco-elasticità. Le diimensioni ed i colori del Duo Realis Nomase Gill riproducono molto fedelmente il persico sole e altro pesce foraggio presente in Italia. Innescato con amo da Wacky weedless sulla schiena è perfetto per una pesca a Yo-yo su erbai e strutture.
The Duo Realis Nomase Gill has a soft but tough skin with a cold heart of lead. It is a hybrid inside out. While its insides are lead, its flexible outside is not a simple rubber. It`s a polymer with high viscoelasticity. Basically, it is a durable rubber that can stretch really well. So why try this hybrid? With the right rod work, it will imitate the behaviours and avoidance behaviours of bait fish. Its soft flexible outer shell gives it the agility that hard baits cannot match.
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