Daiwa Daiwa Emeraldas Stream Rattle eging lures

Da 15.99€ Da 11.76€


Totanare Daiwa Emeraldas Stream Rattle. L'Emeraldas Stream Rattle della Daiwa è la versione con sfere interne di questa totanara che introduce un nuovo concetto per l'Eging Game rivoluzionerà la pesca di seppie e calamari. Queste eging lures Daiwa, supervisionate da Mr. Yamada Hirohito, possiedono un corpo formato da una testa sottile con l'aggancio posto nella parte superiore che permette un ottimo movimento darting. Egi lure Daiwa di ultima generazione con due piccole pinne trasparenti e rigide che hanno il compito di stabilizzare la totanara in corrente. Internamente possiede una serie di sfere che, muovendosi, producono un suono attrattivo. Nella parte finale, le due corone sono molto affilate, ideali per tenere salda la presa del calamaro.

Affondamento: 3.75sec /1m

Daiwa Japans latest premium squid jig range has hit our shores. The Emeraldas Stream Rattle is truly unique and features many design innovations that make it the most one of effective jig available on the market today.

The Emeraldas Stream Rattle is a visual and action jig, its unique lifelike pattern design incorporated with a rattle system is designed to attract a squid by sight, sound and action. Unique to this jig is the new Gliding wing design, rather than traditional feathers on the jig, the Stream utilizes plastic wings. These wings allow the jig to glide smoothly when ripped and glide in current more naturally compared to a standard design.

The Stream is just not another jig it’s a complete eging system that incorporates accessories to broaden the horizons of this unique jig. Featuring attachment points that are designed to use in conjunction with the Agorig Sinker system and the EG-Snap , this allows for changes in sink speed, depth and angle. By attaching the Agorig sinker to the keel eye the jig will glide slowly at a 30-45-degree angle, but when attached to an EG-Snap the lure will sink rapidly at a 75 degree angle. This is ideal for deep water or fast current situations.


    Length: 110mm
    Weight: 11.5g
    Depth: 0 to bottom

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Daiwa Emeraldas Stream Rattle eging lures
#1 Pink Aii
Egi SizePesoVelocità Affondamento (sec/m)PrezzoQtyAcquista
#311.5 gr4.75 sec/m
15.99€ 11.76€
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Daiwa Emeraldas Stream Rattle eging lures
#2 Shima Green Sugi
Egi SizePesoVelocità Affondamento (sec/m)PrezzoQtyAcquista
#311.5 gr4.75 sec/m
15.99€ 11.76€
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Daiwa Emeraldas Stream Rattle eging lures
#8 Gurukun Night
Egi SizePesoVelocità Affondamento (sec/m)PrezzoQtyAcquista
#311.5 gr4.75 sec/m
15.99€ 11.76€
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Daiwa Emeraldas Stream Rattle eging lures
#6 MB-Pink Aji
Egi SizePesoVelocità Affondamento (sec/m)PrezzoQtyAcquista
#3.517.5 gr3.75 sec/m
15.99€ 11.76€
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Egi SizePesoVelocità Affondamento (sec/m)
#3 11.5 gr 4.75 sec/m
#3.5 17.5 gr 3.75 sec/m

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