Fishing Ferrari Sharp Spinner WWG spinning

Da 66.00€ Da 44.99€


Canna da spinning Fishing Ferrari Sharp Spinner WWG. Canna da spinning a due pezzi, realizzata in carbonio ad alto modulo 30T, anelli mono ponte anti tangle con pietra Sic e un porta mulinello a vite in nylon + grafite abbinato ad una impugnatura in legno dal look particolare ed accattivante. Il fusto molto leggero e un ottimo bilanciamento conferisce alla canna sensibilità in pesca e precisione di lancio, con tutti i generi di esche. L'azione di punta, ma progressiva in combattimento rende queste canne da pesca molto versatili. Con pratico fodero porta canna incluso.


Spinning rod Fishing Ferrari Sharp Spinner WWG. Two-piece spinning rod, made of 30T high modulus carbon, equipped with anti tangle frame guides with Sic ring, and a nylon / graphite screw reel seat combined with a wooden handle with a particular and captivating look. The very light blank and excellent balance give the rod fishing sensitivity and casting precision, with all kinds of lures. The fast but progressive action in fighting makes these rods very versatile. With convenient rod sock included.

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Cancella selezione

Imperial Metric
Total Length2.4 m
Lure Weight Min0 gr
Lure Weight Max60 gr
Line W.-
Peso160 gr
70.00€ 48.99€
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Total Length2.4 m
Lure Weight Min0 gr
Lure Weight Max30 gr
Line W.-
Peso145 gr
70.00€ 48.99€
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Total Length2.1 m
Lure Weight Min0 gr
Lure Weight Max30 gr
Line W.-
Peso135 gr
66.00€ 44.99€
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Total Length1.98 m
Lure Weight Min0 gr
Lure Weight Max30 gr
Line W.-
Peso130 gr
66.00€ 44.99€
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ModelloTotal LengthSezioniLure Weight MinLure Weight MaxPowerActionLine W.PesoPrezzoQtyAcquista
28346242.4 m20 gr60 gr---160 gr
70.00€ 48.99€
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28345242.4 m20 gr30 gr---145 gr
70.00€ 48.99€
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28345212.1 m20 gr30 gr---135 gr
66.00€ 44.99€
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28345191.98 m20 gr30 gr---130 gr
66.00€ 44.99€
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