Garbolino X-Power Carp

Da 2.99€


Ami Garbolino X-Power Carpe. I nostri consulenti hanno lavorato insieme per produrre la gamma definitiva di ami che coprirà tutti gli aspetti della pesca agonistica. Che si tratti di F1, grandi carpe, amur, barbi, grossi carassi, aspi o tinche, troverai un amo top performance. Questo amo può essere utilizzato anche con fili dello 0,25 mm! Una finitura in nichel nero, con un'ampia apertura rotonda e realizzata con filo forgiato extra forte, senza ardiglione con una punta lunga molto affilata. 12 ami da pesca per confezione.

Garbolino X-Power Carpe hameçons . Nos consultants ont travaillé ensemble pour produire la gamme ultime d'hameçons qui couvrira tous les aspects de la pêche au coup. Qu'il s'agisse de F1, de grosse carpe, d'amur, de barbeau, de carassin, d'aspic ou de tanche, vous trouverez un hameçon au top des performances. Ce hameçon Garbolino  peut également être utilisé avec du fil de 0,25 mm ! Une finition en nickel noir, avec une grande ouverture ronde et fabriquée à partir de fil forgé sans ardillon extra fort avec une longue pointe très pointue. 12 hameçons par paquet.


Garbolino X-Power Carp hooks. Our consultants have been working together to produce the ultimate range of hooks that will cover all aspects of match fishing. Whether its F1s, large carp, skimmers, or silvers, you will find a hook in our fantastic new range that will suit your needs. Commercial competition "X-POWER CARP".  The ultimate hook for 'BIG' carp fishing on the pole. Perfect for bagging down the margins with all kinds of baits. Can be used with hook lengths up to 0.25mm! A black nickel finish, with a wide round gape and made with extra strong forged wire. Extremely good strength due to its shape. Spade end, barbless with a very sharp long point. 12 hooks per pack

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Imperial Metric
Misura Amo#16
Pcs/Pack12 pcs
Tipo amoMatch/Feeder con paletta
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Misura Amo#14
Pcs/Pack12 pcs
Tipo amoMatch/Feeder con paletta
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Misura Amo#12
Pcs/Pack12 pcs
Tipo amoMatch/Feeder con paletta
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Misura Amo#10
Pcs/Pack12 pcs
Tipo amoMatch/Feeder con paletta
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Misura Amo#8
Pcs/Pack12 pcs
Tipo amoMatch/Feeder con paletta
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Misura AmoPcs/PackTipo amoTipologiaPrezzoQtyAcquista
#1612 pcsMatch/Feeder con palettaBarbless
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#1412 pcsMatch/Feeder con palettaBarbless
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#1212 pcsMatch/Feeder con palettaBarbless
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#1012 pcsMatch/Feeder con palettaBarbless
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#812 pcsMatch/Feeder con palettaBarbless
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