Gunki Jiger Jig

Da 7.99€


Gunki Jigger jig piccola esca in metallo (senza piombo) è stata sviluppata per essere strattonata in verticale È una vera delizia per lucioperca e persico reale e bass che si muovono in school ! La sua forma e il suo baricentro gli conferiscono un nuoto completamente irregolare e disordinato direttamente sotto la canna. D'altra parte, dopo ogni strattonata, riprende istantaneamente la sua posizione con una posizione perfettamente orizzontale, consentendo al predatore di mirare al suo attacco senza indugi. Gli ami, molto affilati, sono stati accuratamente selezionati (forma, dimensione, e aggiunta di fibre tessili) per nascondere gli ami. Le fibre della coda forniscono la massima mobilità al JIGER JIG (anche a movimenti estremamente lenti) e forniscono un bersaglio ideale per i predatori. Si consiglia inoltre di utilizzarlo per trovare pesci sospesi Un semplice recupero tra due strati d'acqua, impreziosito da piccole jerkate farà miracoli. Una vera esca jolly che dovresti sempre avere nella tua scatola di esche Gunki.

Gunki Jiger Jig  is a small lead-free metal lure specifically for jigging which is particularly tempting for zander and perch.  The shape and centre of gravity gives an erratic and disorientated action when worked under the rod.  Yet after each pull the lure will recover to a horizontal position, which is often enough to trigger an attack.  Every aspect of the hooks, their shape, size and feather appendages are designed to minimalize hook pulls.  The tail fibres add extra mobility even when hardly moving.  Great too when targeting mid-water perch on lakes where a simple retrieve coupled with some sharp twitches will get results. This is a blank busting lure that every angler should have in their lure box and will suit a lot of reservoir anglers.


Cuiller à jigger Gunki Jiger Jig  Comme son nom l’indique, nous avons spécifiquement développé ce petit leurre métallique (sans plomb) pour être dandiné. C’est une véritable friandise pour les sandres et les perches! Sa forme et son centre de gravité lui confèrent une nage totalement erratique et désordonnée lors des animations à l’aplomb de la canne. En revanche, après chaque tirées sèches, il reprend instantanément sa position avec une station parfaitement horizontale, permettant au carnassier de bien cibler son attaque. Les hameçons, très piquants, ont été minutieusement sélectionnés (forme, taille, ajout de fibres) pour limiter les décrochés. Les fibres de la queue assurent une mobilité maximale au JIGER JIG (même à l’extrême ralenti) et offrent une cible idéale pour les prédateurs. Nous vous recommandons également son utilisation pour rechercher les perches suspendues en plan d’eau. Une simple récupération entre deux-eaux, au moulinet, agrémentée de petits coups de scion fera merveille. Un véritable leurre sauvebredouille qu’il faut toujours laisser trainer dans une boite!



As its name suggests, we developed this small lead-free metal lure specifically for jigging. Particularly tempting for zander and perch. The shape and centre of gravity gives an erratic and disorientated action when worked under the rod. Yet after each pull the lure will recover to a horizontal position, which is often enough to trigger an attack. Every aspect of the hooks- their shape, size and feather appendages- are designed to minimalize hook pulls. The tail fibres add extra mobility even when hardly moving. Great too when targeting mid-water perch on lakes where a simple retrieve coupled with some sharp twitches will get results. This is a blank busting lure that every angler should have in their lure box.

Colore Selezionato

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Imperial Metric
Gunki Jiger Jig
Tiny Alive
5.5 cm8 grSinking
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Gunki Jiger Jig
Fire Perch
5.5 cm8 grSinking
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6.5 cm15 grSinking
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Gunki Jiger Jig
Blue Alive
6.5 cm15 grSinking
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5.5 cm 8 gr Sinking
6.5 cm 15 gr Sinking

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