Gunki Safe Bag Edge 40 Hard CAMO

Da 79.99€


La Gunki Safe Bag Edge 40 Hard è una borsa da pesca totalmente impermebabile e molto solida in PVC semi rigido, con coperchio rigido, di moderno colore mimetico. Lateralmente è fornita di 2 porta canne e frontalmente di un porta pinze. Molto comoda da trasportare tramite la fascia monospalla a tracolla. Ideale per trout area, spinning in mare e light game.
Made in rigid PVC, this SAFE BAG 40 Hard Camo accommodates the other products of range (SAFE BAG PM/MM GM/HAND BAG). Its lid with edge allow to protect the interior of the bag against the rain or the embrauns without having to close again closing. Handle with catch “comfort”. Collection E.U.A. must protect your material from the bad weather. These luggage carried out from a matter PVC are waterproof and very solid. Adopt this concept of simple and very functional storage! It allow to modulate the luggage between them for only carrying with you what will be useful at the edge of water.



Imperial Metric
TipologiaAccessoriScatole Borse e CoversTipologiaLunghezzaAccessoriScatole Borse e CoversPrezzoQtyAcquista
CamoBorsa con portacanne40 x 27.5 x 29 cm
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