Illex Silver Shade

From 9.99€


Illex Silver Shade. The Illex Silver Shade is a small Metal Jig made from an environmentally friendly 'tungsten composite' alloy. The compactness of this casting jig and its density allow it to be cast very easily from the shore or boat. The SILVER SHADE has an S-shaped profile and elaborate balancing to work during all phases of the animation and therefore fish all the columns of water, linearly or animating it with Jerkate. The Illex Ilver Shade combines the responsiveness and liveliness of a jig with a pronounced flutter effect during pauses and releases when fishing for perch and walleye vertically on targeted areas or structure. Also recommended for sea fishing for sea bass, mackerel or bonito. In the package there is a single hook for possible replacement of the treble hook.

Leurre Illex Siver Shade. The SILVER SHADE is a small casting jig made from an eco-friendly combination in 'Tungsten Composite'. Its compactness and density allow it to be launched very easily to remove the edges or embarqué. The SILVER SHADE has a S profile and a well-crafted balance for work throughout the animation phases and also supports all the water couches, vertically and linearly in the animation for twitches or jerks favoring large scales sans forcer dans la cane. The combination of the réactivity and liveliness of a jig with a bow tie effect makes you pause and relax so you can fish for fish and sand vertically on the cible areas or structures. If you look at the marine predators' chassis (bars, maquereaux, bonites...) or close the surveillance of the areas, it will support the quick and precise recovery of a smooth and undulating surface which will then release the reflex attacks of the focalized predators on it de petite proies! The attributes here are equally similar to the truths of the Baltic Sea. Conçu specifiquement pour pêcher des zones unatteignables avec d'autres leurres, il est tout indiqué en mountain lakes for pêcher extrêmement loin et depths salmonidés (truite fario, truite arc-en-ciel, cristivomer, omble chevalier), sa prototype version a note allowed our ILLEX team of performers from the first edition of Salmo Trek in 2021 and they are effective at a new time and from the second edition to all our engaged teams! An indispensable complement to have in your fishing bags!

The Illex Silver Shade is a small casting jig from a world-class Wolfram-Verbundlegierung. Kompakt und dicht genug, um weit geworfen zu werden, hat der SLVER SHADE ein Sförmiges Profile, das in Allen Phasen des Einholens funktioniert. Der Köder reagiert bereits auf leichte Twitches und Jerks. Vertikal auf Barsch und Zander, ruckt man den Köder an um ihn bis zum Grund frei fallen zu lassen. The dabei in der Sinkphase einsetzende Flattereffekt ist äußerst attraktiv. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel Meeresräuber (Wolfsbarsch, Makrele, Bonito, Meerforelle), oder Rapfen im Süßwasser jagen, kann der Köder gerne auch mit Speed ​​eingeholt werden. Erzeugt dabei eine geschmeidige, schwingende Action, die bei Raubfischen, die es auf Jungfische abgesehen haben, Attacken auslöst. Entwickelt, um also Zonen zu befischen, die andere Köder nicht erreichen können, zum Beispiel Seen in larger Höhe, in denen Forellen und Saiblinge weit draussen sehr tief sitzen.

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Picture of Illex Silver Shade
LunghezzaPesoMateriale SinkerPriceQtyBuy
4.8 cm11.7 grLega di Tungsteno
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Picture of Illex Silver Shade
Pink Yamame
LunghezzaPesoMateriale SinkerPriceQtyBuy
4.8 cm11.7 grLega di Tungsteno
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Picture of Illex Silver Shade
LunghezzaPesoMateriale SinkerPriceQtyBuy
4.8 cm11.7 grLega di Tungsteno
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Picture of Illex Silver Shade
Lake Shad
LunghezzaPesoMateriale SinkerPriceQtyBuy
4.8 cm11.7 grLega di Tungsteno
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LunghezzaPesoMateriale Sinker
4.8 cm 11.7 gr Lega di Tungsteno

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