Lucky Craft LC 1.5 DRS shallow crank

Da 15.29€



Il crankbait Lucky Craft LC 1.5 DRS è uno shallow crank con un rattle singolo invece che due o più rattle. Questa scelta è stata fatta dal Pro Team Elite di Lucky Craft, in particolar modo da Brenth Ehrler che sostiente che in base alla sua esperienza il rattle singolo, dal suono molto sordo cattura più bass e più grossi. LC 1.5 DRS lavora tra 90 cm e 1,20 metri pesa 14 gr ed è lanciabile con grande facilità a lunga distanza, mantenendo sempre una grande capacità di "rimbalzo" sugli ostacoli.

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Deep Rattle Sound or DRS refers to a single knocker internal rattle. Using a single knocker in the bait make a "click-click-click" sound instead of the "sh-sh-sh" sound made by BB style rattles. More and more professional anglers are turning to the single rattle style baits. Team Lucky Craft member Brent Ehrler uses DRS, "I love the LC DRS baits. For me it's a much more effective rattle than the standard BB rattles. With years of trial and error, visually seeing fish react to different baits has taught me that the single knock baits catch more big fish."
Deep Rattle Sound ou DRS. Il s’agit en fait d’un système sonore fait d’un grosse bille unique appelé « One Knocker ». Ce système de bille émet une sonorité plus grave que des billes de verre classiques. De plus en plus de pêcheurs professionnels se tournent vers le système de bille unique. Le professionnel Brent Ehrler utilise beaucoup le LC DRS : « J’adore les LC DRS. Pour moi, la sonorité grave est beaucoup plus efficace que les sons aigus. Après des années de pratique et beaucoup d’erreurs commises, j’ai pu voir les réactions des poissons et comprendre que le fait de n’utiliser qu’une bile interne permet d’attraper de plus gros poissons ».

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6 cm12 grFloating
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Lucky Craft LC 1.5 DRS shallow crank
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6 cm12 grFloating
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Lucky Craft LC 1.5 DRS shallow crank
TO Chart
6 cm12 grFloating
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Lucky Craft LC 1.5 DRS shallow crank
Be Gill
6 cm12 grFloating
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6 cm 12 gr Floating

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