Lucky Craft RTO 3.5 XD

Da 16.79€


Lucky Craft RTO 3.5 XD. Questo è il deep crankbait preferito da T. Homori. Affonda velocemente, nuota perfettamente ad ogni velocità, deflette gli ostacoli e li devia come nessun altro crank in plastica. Colorazioni di assoluta efficacia in gara, lo fanno essere la scelta di miriadi di professionisti in Usa ed in Giappone e non smette mai di portare pro alla vittoria. Made in Japan.


  • Length: 3-1/4" (80mm)
  • Weight: 7/8oz (24.0g)
  • Class: Floating
  • Belly: #2
  • Hook Tail: #3
  • Max Diving Depth: 18 - 20ft (5,40 - 6 M)

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The LC RTO 3.5XD. Professional series.
The LC RTO Series is the first high quality plastic square bill crank bait ever made. Over the last several years, the LC Series crankbait has replaced balsa wood crankbaits in tackle boxes for cover fisherman everywhere. The LC RTO Series is a high floating plastic crankbait that is much more durable than its predecessor wooden crankbaits. The LC RTO Series reigns supreme in heavy hard rocky bottom areas where large bass lurk. 
The RTO series is the arsenal to the shallow cranking guru, the 2004 Bassmaster Classic winner Takahiro Omori, who is also known as “bank beater”. “It is essential to have your own style in being a professional angler. So therefore, if you have a similar style with other anglers, you are not considered a professional.” The RTO series is Takahiro Omori himself and his brand. It would definitely be a weapon that you would like to have in your tackle box.
La Série LC RTO est la première série de Crankbait en plastique à bavette carrée de qualité jamais fabriquée. Depuis plusieurs années, la série LC a remplacée progressivement dans les boites de pêche des pêcheurs de structures, les Crankbait traditionnels en balsa. Leur qualité première est leur meilleure résistance et leur meilleure longévité par rapport aux leurres en balsa qui se fendent ou s’altèrent plus rapidement. La série LC est reine des pêches de structure et sur les cassants rocailleux pour tous les poissons embusqués.

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8 cm24 grFloating
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8 cm 24 gr Floating

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