Madcat Green Light Spin

From 104.99€


Madcat Green Light Spin, canne da spinning per siluro dell'azienda tedesca. La canna da siluro Madcat 2022 Green Light Spin monta anelli Seaguide a doppio ponte, portamulinello Fuji TVS-TJS e manico in EVA ad alta densità. Queste canne per spinning al siluro sono bilanciate, resistenti ed hano un look gradevole.

MADCAT GREEN LIGHT SPIN Not every catfish water holds monsters – many small canals or ponds are home to smaller, but no less fun-to-catch catfish. There is still great sport to be had on these kinds of waters with lures and lighter tackle, which exactly why we developed this light catfish spinning rod. It brings the fun back into fishing when you can only get to waters with smaller-sizes predators. Equipped with anti-tangle guides and a double-lock ergonomic Fuji TVS-TJS reel seat.

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Imperial Metric
Green Series Light Spin
Total Length2.25 m
Lure Weight Min50 gr
Lure Weight Max100 gr
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ModelTotal LengthSezioniLure Weight MinLure Weight MaxPowerActionLine W.PriceQtyBuy
Green Series Light Spin2.25 m250 gr100 grH--
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