Nomura Hiro Camou Wise spinning

Da 50.00€ Da 45.99€


Nomura Hiro Camou Wise spinning. Nuova serie di canne da spinning economiche Nomura, dall'alto rapporto qualità prezzo. Le Nomura Hiro Wise sono canne da spinning Nomura a due pezzi decisamente allround, affidabili e performanti secondo tutte le recensioni dello staff Nomura. Attrezzi ad un prezzo abbordabile, ma dove l’estetica e le azioni sono state curate nei dettagli per essere versatili, con potenze e lunghezze adatte a differenti tecniche, dallo street fishing al drop shot, per passare senza problemi dalla trota all'aspio o per cercare la spigola, sia in mare sia nelle lagune salmastre. Con pratico fodero portacanna ed anelli con pietra sic adatti a qualsiasi tipo di filo.


New series of economic Nomura spinning rods, with a high quality-price ratio. The Nomura Hiro Wise are two-piece Nomura spinning rods that are decidedly all-round, reliable and performing according to all the reviews by the Nomura staff. Tools at an affordable price, but where the aesthetics and actions have been studied in detail to be versatile, with powers and lengths suitable for different techniques, from street fishing to drop shot, to pass without problems from trout to asp or for look for sea bass, both at sea and in brackish lagoons. With practical rod sock and Sic guides with suitable for any type of fishing line.


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Imperial Metric
Total Length1.98 m
Lure Weight Min3 gr
Lure Weight Max15 gr
Line W.-
Peso130 gr
50.00€ 45.99€
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Total Length2.1 m
Lure Weight Min4 gr
Lure Weight Max17 gr
Line W.-
Peso135 gr
52.00€ 47.99€
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Total Length2.28 m
Lure Weight Min5 gr
Lure Weight Max20 gr
Line W.-
Peso145 gr
54.00€ 49.99€
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Total Length2.4 m
Lure Weight Min5 gr
Lure Weight Max28 gr
Line W.-
Peso155 gr
56.00€ 51.99€
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ModelloTotal LengthSezioniLure Weight MinLure Weight MaxPowerActionLine W.PesoPrezzoQtyAcquista
NM200415191.98 m23 gr15 gr---130 gr
50.00€ 45.99€
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NM200420212.1 m24 gr17 gr---135 gr
52.00€ 47.99€
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NM200420222.28 m25 gr20 gr---145 gr
54.00€ 49.99€
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NM200428242.4 m25 gr28 gr---155 gr
56.00€ 51.99€
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