Nories Trout Program Escloser spinning rods

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Nories Trout Program Escloser

La Nories Trout program Escloser è stata ideata per il pescatore agonista che cerca una canna da Area Game performante e di alto livello. E' adatta ad una vasta serie di artificiali, a partire dai classici spoon (area game spoon) per finire con hardbaits di vario genere. La Nories Trout program Escloser monta con anelli Fuji Titanium Torzite con una pietra estremamente liscia che consente al filo (nylon, trecciato, ester, fluorocarbon) di uscire in maniera fluida e lineare senza creare impedimenti all'esca. Il modello EC62ML monta un manico in sughero di altissima qualità ed un portamulinello particolare colore titanio / grigio scuro. Canna prodotta in giappone (made in Japan). In omaggio un portachiavi "Nories Trout Program".


Nories Trout Program Escloser

Nories Trout Program Escloser trout area game rod spinning rods, 2 sections. Trout program Escloser In recent years, the ester line has emerged as the fourth line and has quickly established itself as a standard area fishing line due to its high sensitivity. Under the supervision of Norizu Pro Staff Yuto Ito, who has advocated the effectiveness of the ester line in the area and has created a number of methods, the ester rod finally completed is “Escloser”. In order to reduce troubles such as the loss of shock absorption that was the crying place of the ester line, line breaks due to sudden fish running, we have applied our own taper design and guide setting, and thoroughly tested at the tournament site Repeat the blank. The rod is finished so that everyone can fully draw out the superiority of the ester line. Escloser changes the history of area fishing. GUIDE Titanium frame torzeite guide set up with the minimum required diameter to match the small diameter ester. Position adjustment in millimeters is repeated to maximize the potential of blanks and lines. For item discrimination, the frame color is T2 (dark gray titanium) for ec61m-st, and T (titanium silver) for ec62ml and ec62m. REEL SEAT VSS16 reel seat that emphasizes lightness. The ec61m-st is made of black EVA and ec62ml and ec62m are made of cork to enable instant item identification even during competition. Minnow magic jerk, vibration lift & fall, top water stop & go. The time has passed since the release, and these methods, which are effective for biting trout, have been based on the PE line because the operability of the lure affects the game. However, under tournaments and extreme high pressure, trouts that dislike the presence of the PE line and even the draining sound occur. The escloser ec61m-st is a special rod to break through such a severe situation. By executing the method that was previously performed on the PE line on the ester line with high stealth, a more natural approach is possible without sacrificing operability and the number of bytes increases. The characteristic hard short solid tip is designed to leave a hook in the mouth of the trout while maintaining operability.


Colore Selezionato

Cancella selezione

Imperial Metric
Escloser ec62ml
Total Length1.87 m
Lure Weight Min0.3 gr
Lure Weight Max3 gr
Line W.1 -3 lb
Peso78 gr
719.00€ 619.99€
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ModelloTotal LengthSezioniLure Weight MinLure Weight MaxPowerActionLine W.PesoPrezzoQtyAcquista
Escloser ec62ml1.87 m20.3 gr3 grML-1 -3 lb78 gr
719.00€ 619.99€
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