Rapala X-Rap Scoop

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Il nuovo Rapala X-Rap Scoop è un ibrido tra un ondulante e un minnow.  Scivola orizzontalmente lungo la colonna d'acqua, senza cadere "di testa". Una volta jerkato ha un movimento veloce destra sinistra / sinistra destra molto accentuato. Si lancia a grandissime distanze. Montato con ancorette VMC Coastal Black. Ideale per la pesca del luccio e del siluro

Rapala X-Rap Scoop. The hard-bodied X-Rap® Scoop glides horizontally as it descends through the water column towards its inevitable fate. Twitch it to send it darting from side-to-side, or wind it in at a slow/medium pace, feeling the wide-kicking action generated by its unusual shape. Flashy chrome finishes combine with realistic designs & textures to create a sensory overload that fish simply cannot resist. Fitted with VMC® Coastal Black™ hooks.  Suggested targets: pike - wels.

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Imperial Metric
Rapala X-Rap Scoop
Live Rainbow Trout
68 gr14 cm
17.99€ 14.99€
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68 gr 14 cm

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