Savage Gear E-Rider Kayak

Da 749.00€ Da 669.99€



Kayak da pesca gonfiabile Savage Gear E-Rider Kayak 330 ultra stabile, maneggevole e con ridotto attrito nell'acqua. Dotato di pagaia da 260 cm smontabile in 3 sezioni, supporto per motore elettrico o a scoppio, pompa di gonfiaggio e kit di riparazione.

Realizzato in PVC con barre stabilizzatrici in alluminio.

• 330cm X 110cm X 30cm.
• Peso: 23.5kg .
• Carico Max: Circa 190kg.

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Savage Gear E-Rider Kayak 330

Super stable kayak, perfectly suited for fishing! You sit high and stable well above the waterline.
The kayak is very easy to maneuver with very little water resistance. The kayak is equipped withna strong, yet light Weight 3 section fold down 260cm double paddle, and an engine mount stern for up to 7HK.
Front aluminum cross seat bar, perfect for mounting rod holders.
Double rear cross seat bar, for add on cushion.
The kayak has a strong rope lining on each side, for attaching fixed or drift anchor. Also perfect for 2 persons to carry the kayak. The kayak design is ideal for usage with a kayak wagon.

• 0,9mm Armored PVC sheet main frame.
• 8cm Armored PVC drop stitch floor.
• Protech Air valves x3.
• Light weight 3 section double paddle 260cm.
• Aluminum stabilizing cross bar seats.
• Slide on stabilizer fin.
• Engine Mount Stern for engine mount.
• One-way water valve in stern.
• Practical Foot pump included.
• Repair Pro Kit included.
• Pack Down strap.
• Recommended PSI pressure: tube 3.6 psi, floor 10 psi.
• 330cm X 110cm X 30cm.
• Net weight: 23.5kg .
• Max load: approx. 190kg.
• Approx. max electric motor power: 4.3 KW/19 kgs.
• Approx. max petrol engine power: 7HK.

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749.00€ 669.99€
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